Lerkendal Stadium
Lerkendal stadium is owned by Rosenborg Ballklub.
Ground facts
Year built: 1947
Renovated: 2002
Seating capacity: 21 423
VIP-seating: 1 931
Record attendance: 28 569
Pitch size: 105x69 metres
Surface: Desso GrassMaster
Undersoil heating: Yes
Klæbuveien 125, 7031 Trondheim,
Directions to the stadium
The local bus company, AtB, offers a number of services to the ground. Lerkendal Stadium is located approximately two kilometres south of the city centre. The best alternative is the bus stop Lerkendal stadium (lines 1, 2, 10, 20 or 24). When taking the train, disembark at Lerkendal station.
From the airport, some of the airport shuttle coaches stop at the stadium, check with the driver prior to boarding. Alternative options are taxi or rental car.
Stadium code of conduct
Entry to the Ground is explicitly subject to abiding by Norwegian Laws, RBK´s Ground Regulations and the rules and regulations of FIFA, UEFA, The Norwegian Football Association or Norsk Toppfotball, depending on the relevant competition being held. Entry to the Ground constitutes acceptance of the Ground Regulations.
In the interest of safety all spectators must only occupy the seat allocated to them as stated on their match ticket. Unnecessary movement is not allowed. Persons occupying the wrong seat will be evicted.
Standing in any of the seating areas whilst play is in progress, is strictly forbidden.
The obstructions of gangways, access ways, exits and entrances, stairways and similar places is strictly forbidden. Nobody without permission is allowed to climb any structures within the Ground.
All persons seeking entrance to the Ground acknowledge the organizer’s right to undertake frisks and to refuse entry to or evict from the Ground any person refusing to submit to such a search.
The following articles must not be brought within the Ground
- knives, weapons or any articles that might be used as weapon and/or compromise public safety
- fireworks
- smoke canisters
- cans and glass or plastic bottles
- alcohol or other types of intoxicants
- any audio, visual or audio-visual material for recording or transmission
- animals
- any banners or flags with commercial, religious, pornographic, political or racist content
- laser devices
- selfie-sticks
- balaclavas or other face-covering garments
- single lens reflex (SLR) cameras
The use of threatening behaviour, foul or offensive language is strictly forbidden and will result in evictionfrom the Ground
It is strictly forbidden to
- enter onto the pitch or pitch area
- throw items
- display racial attitude
Smoking in No-Smoking areas is strictly forbidden.
The organizer can NOT be held responsible for any accident/injury, loss or damages to persons/property in or around the Ground.
No guarantees can be given by the organizer that an event will take place at a specific time or on a specific date and the organizer reserves the right to reschedule an event without prior notice and liability whatsoever.
There will be NO refund of ticket costs, travel costs etc, if an event is abandoned.
Persons influenced by alcohol or any other kind of intoxicants will be evicted from the Ground area.
No merchandise (including literature) of any nature may be distributed or offered either free or for sale by any person within the Ground perimeters, without written permission by the organizer.
CCTV (television surveillance system) is in function both outside and inside the stadium.
Mobile telephones are permitted within the stadium, provided that they are only used for personal and private use.
Tickets may not be offered for sale within the stadium area without the prior written permission by the organizer.
Any individual who has entered any part of the Ground designated for a group of supporters to which they do not belong, may be evicted from the Ground, be it for their own security or any other reason.
At all times, whilst present at the Ground, spectators must comply with all instructions made known by the organizer, stewards or police officers.
The organizer reserves the right to evict anybody failing to comply with any of the Ground Regulations.